Tokyo (Tokyo)
Lat.:35.6581° Lon.:139.7414° Hgt.: 0.0m LST:UT+9h
2025-03-12 Wed. 18:00:00
- We have changed the default option for time to "Now". If you can use Cookies, you can set it "Tonight" as before.
- When you choose Zenith, you should put this figure upwards in order to have right directions.
- The numbers below the Moon and Planets figures show the times of rising (R) / transit (T) / setting (S) of the Moon and the planets in the next 18 hours.
- The table for the Sun show the times of rising (R) / transit (T) / setting (S) of the Sun, yoake (A) / higure (K), and beggining (B) / ending (E) of astronomical twilight in the next 18 hours.
- * means the phenomena occurs in the next day.
- Related Contents
- No Daylight Saving Time considered.
- The latitude and longitude of the place are in decimal degrees.
- We might modify this program without notice (ver.2.1h).