2025-03-29 Partial Solar Eclipse
General Circumstances
Motion of Moon's Shadow
LightBlue: Penumbra, Blue: Umbra,
Green: Sunrise/Sunset, Red: Eclipse Map
Description | Date | Time | Lon. | Lat. |
Eclipse begins | 2025-03-29 | 17:50:42 | -42°23' | 14°00' |
Greatest eclipse | 2025-03-29 | 19:47:26 | -77°13' | 61°16' |
Eclipse ends | 2025-03-29 | 21:43:45 | 90°52' | 71°13' |
Magnitude of greatest eclipse: 0.938
- Predictions before 1600 and in future might not be accurate due to the uncertainty of Delta T.
- Different classification of eclipse might come from the different values of lunar limb radius.
- No Daylight Saving Time considered.
- We might modify this program without notice (ver.2.0i).